Friday 16 August 2013

Microsoft Word "Office Button" 2007


Short Cut Key: Ctrl + N

This Command is used to create NEW document. To create a new document, click on NEW command and you are done to compose your new document. 


Short Cut Key: Ctrl + O

This command is used to open an existing (already created) files. To open an existing file, click on Open Command. A dialogue box will appear. Search the file which you want to open and then click on Open button on bottom right side of the dialogue box.


Short Cut Key: Ctrl + S
This command is used to save new created document. To save the document click on SAVE command. A dialogue box will appear. Give a new name against "File name", click on drop-down menu against "Save as type" to change the extension of the file, choose your location where you want to save and then click on SAVE button on bottom right side of the dialogue box.


Short Cut Key: F12 (on function key)

There are two ways to "save as" your existing file:
1-Save As Dialogue Box (to custom save)
2-Predefined Extensions (right side of the Save as command on above picture)

1-Save As Dialogue Box:

This command is used to save an existing file with new name. To save as your existing file. Open the file which you want to save with new name or with new location. Click on SAVE AS command. A dialogue box will appear. Change the name of the file against "File name" or change the location of the file or change the extension of the file against "Save as type" and then click on SAVE button on bottom right side of the dialogue box. 

2-Predefined Extensions:

There are 5 predefined extensions given by Microsoft Word 2007 to "save as" your existing document and 6th for custom define through dialogue box.

1-Word Document:

Save the file as word document 2007 (DOCX)
2-Word Template:
Save the document as Template that can be used to format future documents (MOWT)
3-Word 97-2003 Document:
Save a copy of the document that is fully compatible with word 97-2003 (DOC)
4-Open Document Text:
Save the document in Open Document Format (ODF)
5-PDF or XPS:
Publish a copy of the document as PDF or XPS (PDF, XPS Document)
6-Other Formats:
Open the Save As dialogue box to select from all possible file types.

To "save as" your document with predefined extensions. choose your recommended extension, a dialogue box will appear. Now just change the name of the file and location and then click on "SAVE" button on bottom right side of the dialogue box. 


Short Cut Key: Ctrl + F2

Print Preview
To view the preview of your document to know how your document looks like click on PRINT PREVIEW command. 

Short Cut Key: Ctrl + P

This command is used to print the current document. To print your document click on PRINT command. A dialogue box will appear. 

choose the printer where you want to send print against "Name". Give Page range (All, Current page, Pages) and then click on OK button on bottom right side of the Print dialogue box. 

Page Range (1-50)
Multiple Select (1,7,9,50)

Quick Print

To print your document instantly without print setting. Click on Quick Print command. All pages in the document will be print.


This command is used to prepare the document for distribution. There are 7 ways to distribute your document. 


View and edit document properties, such as Title, Author and Keywords. You can also view the property of your document by right click on the document. A short menu bar will appear. Click on Property command at bottom.
2-Inspect Document
Check the document for hidden metadata or personal information. 
3-Encrypt Document
Increase the security of the document by adding encryption.
4-Restrict Permission
Grant people access while restricting their ability to edit, copy and print.
5-Add a Digital Signature
Ensure the integrity of the document by adding an invisible digital signature.
6-Mark as Final
Let readers know the document is final and make it read-only.
7-Run Compatibility Checker
Check for features not supported by earlier versions of word.


This command is used to send a copy of the document to other people. There are 4 ways to send your document, given by the Microsoft Word 2007. This command is valid for Microsoft Outlook 2007.


Send a copy of the document in an e-mail message as an attachment.
2-E-mail as PDF Attachment
Send a copy of the document in a message as PDF attachment.
3-E-mail as XPS Attachment
Send a coy of the document in a message as XPS attachment.
4-Internet Fax
Use an Internet Fax Service to Fax the document.


This command is used to publish your document on Internet. There are 4 ways to publish your document on Internet given by Microsoft Word 2007.


Create a new blog post with the content of the document.
2-Document Management Server
Share the document by saving it to a document management server.
3-Create Document Workspace
Create a new site for the document and keep the local copy synchronized.
Create a new mathpage.


Short Cut Key: Ctrl + F4

This command is used to close the current document. 


Short Cut Key: Alt + F4

This command is used to exit the Microsoft Word 2007.

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